Michigan has some of the most severe Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) laws in the country. Without legal representation, a first time offender can get up to 93 days in jail, 360 hours of community service and hefty fines. For a second time offender, the penalties are far worse, up to a year in jail and increased fines.
Michigan State drunk driving laws have changed recently and the attorneys at Luedke Law Group understand these changes and their ramifications. The State’s laws are extremely complex when it comes to drunk driving in Michigan, and the outcome of your DUI/OWI proceedings depends on a lot of variables, including the location of your arrest, prior charges, blood alcohol content, the type of test used and whether or not your OWI included physical damage or injury to others.
Fighting an OWI isn’t something you should try to do on your own. If you were to lose your license in Michigan because of drunk driving, you can lose your driving privileges for months, even years. Courts no longer grant hardship licenses – if you’re convicted, you will experience a lengthy process to get it back, which includes showing that you have stopped consuming alcohol entirely, that you have completed therapy for alcohol abuse and prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you need to have a license.
If you have been charged with OWI in Michigan, you’ll want to contact Luedke Law Group immediately to secure the best representation possible. Our attorneys will go through the OWI process with you, discuss options and ensure that you receive superior representation throughout your OWI proceedings.